A Quick Review of The Horizen Nodes

Luis Antonio Cruz
5 min readOct 26, 2023


Horizen Ambassador — A Quick Review of The Horizen Nodes

Nodes in a blockchain are a fundamental part of its operation, decentralization, availability, processing, and trust in the system. Each node is counted as an instance that is running special software in charge of different tasks, for example: validating, giving a sequence and order to transactions, participating in the network consensus, sharing network information with other nodes, and reaching a consensus.

Running a node helps the Horizen network become more decentralized and with your contribution, you also participate in the Horizen decentralized economy by earning part of the rewards that are generated in each new block.

In Horizen there are four different main types of master nodes, each with a fundamental role in the network. Each node has its own characteristics and therefore different requirements, these requirements can be divided into two: Stake amount and Hardware Requirements.

Below I explain the main differences and requirements of each node.

Super Nodes

Super Nodes enable applications and sidechains on the Horizen blockchain. This was a major improvement to the system that took the project far beyond a simple cryptocurrency and decentralized payment method.

Supernodes have enhanced end-to-end encryption and are tasked with managing key network and system functions, such as hosting multiple services on sidechains. The Super Nodes have been crucial from the beginning in Horizen and will undoubtedly be responsible for carrying out very important processes in the Horizen infrastructure.


Minimum Hardware Requirements

Block Reward 🪙

10% of the block rewards on the Horizen blockchain are distributed among super nodes that meet the requirements.

Reward distribution in each pay period: exactly every 576 blocks on the Horizen network. (Approximately every day).

Forger Nodes

Forger nodes are very important for the decentralization of the system and play a very important role in protecting the EON network. These nodes are in charge of processing and verifying the blocks on the EON network.

Transferring block rewards from other nodes called “secure nodes” to forger nodes was introduced in ZenIP 42206 and its purpose is to increase security and adoption of the EON network, a side blockchain on Horizen which is EVM-compatible. The percentage of block rewards allocated towards Forger nodes is 10%.

The EVM ecosystem has become one of the most used in the blockchain industry, so its implementation and high demand in Horizen is extremely important. With the EON Network and forger nodes, it will now be possible and safe to have several new dApps and port existing dApps within the Horizen ecosystem.

Also the consensus mechanism of Forger Nodes is PoS. This means that each new block is validated and added within this PoS rules.


Minimum Hardware Requirements

Block Reward 🪙

10% of the block rewards on the Horizen blockchain are distributed among Forger Nodes.

The payment process is scheduled, but it is not automatic. An automated system is planned.

Certifier Signer Nodes

The certifier signer nodes has an important role in the Horizen blockchain. They create the Zero knowledge proofs required by the Horizen main chain, for every backward transfer to the Horizen main chain the certifier signer nodes sign the transactions until reach a consensus. In the case of EON chain, there will be a total of 47 certifier nodes thus adding more secure, decentralized and privacy operation of EON Network.

This kind of nodes are the more difficult to set up and the specific requirements are not fully available at the moment. If you have a team or a lot of experience in systems and you want to set up this kind of node you could contact the Horizen team:

Secure Nodes

Update about secure nodes:

There is another type of node called Secure Node. This kind of node has helped the network to become more decentralized and secure. But in this stage of the Network, It is under discussion whether they will really provide performance in security due to the hardware requirements they have.

The DAO will be who decide if secure nodes will be deprecated or not. Also is stipulated that the secure nodes rewards by block will be transferred to the EON Forger Nodes.

The general requirements are: 42 ZEN and the same hardware requirements as forger nodes are required. Just consider an extra memory space to save the blockchain data of Horizen.

This article will be updated when the DAO decision about the forger nodes is known.


This is a summary table about the four different types of nodes in Horizen.

Further Reading and External Links

